We are fully certified and licensed technicians who can deal with any pest control and wildlife removal situation. Our technicians can deal with any pest including:
Mice, rats, bed bugs, roaches, moths, and any other pest. If you have a pest problem, call us for a consultation. Our technicians see through every job and provide guarantees on the work performed.
Pest control is an exceptionally serious problem and you’ll need to manage it as soon as possible. If you happen to notice tiny pests around your home or garden, then that’s a red flag that you’ll want to contact us to see to it. Pest control is not a simple thing, however, it is necessary. It is good to keep a home freed from these things because they will be able to cause plenty of havoc. For pest control tips and information visit the pages of our website.


Mice are a common sighting across the whole Scarborough area. This might not come as a surprise as mice often enter through crevices, holes, or foundational gaps. You might consider yourself lucky if you happen to spot a mice scouring for food. It may be an unpleasant thought to have, but numerous generations of mice might have lived their lives inside the four walls of your house and continue to live in it. If you see droppings the size of rice, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. You have an infestation. If you see any of these signs it is best to contact Pest Control Scarborough – The Exterminators.Inc to provide you with a high-quality service. We treat your mouse problem effectively by giving you the treatments needed indoors and well as outdoors to make your unwanted guests things of the past. Contact us to find out more!

Rats are mostly a species of rodents that like to spend their time outside unlike the common house mouse that has been pestering Scarborough residents as long as time can tell. Rats are highly infectious animals as they make no distinction between clean and dirty places. This should cause concern as being exposed to rat droppings, urine, or salvia can have serious consequences on your health – Not to mention the stench that finds its way through your house when a dead rat is decomposing. Rats make their way in through crevices, holes, or foundational gaps. One common way through which a rat gains access is often through a left open garage door. Rats are quite destructive in nature and can chew through wires, cables, household appliances, and much more in a very short span of time. If you see any of the previously mentioned signs, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. You are in the midst of a rat infestation that you need to take care of as soon as possible.

It is agreed across the board that cockroaches are disgusting creatures. It is important that you recognize signs of an infestation. Seeing cockroaches on the countertop at night can make up for a pretty traumatic experience and would want anybody to get rid of them as soon as possible. Looking for live cockroaches though might be difficult to do since they prefer the dark, moist, and secluded areas of your home in which they hide. Cockroaches are a crawling reservoir of harmful bacteria as their legs contaminate every surface they walk on.Pest Control Scarborough – The Exterminators provide you with cost-effective safe indoor treatments that can make your house cockroach-free in the matter of a few weeks. Contact Pest Control Scarborough – The Exterminators to find out the details yourself!

Having strangers in the house can be unsettling but our expert pest control technicians are trained to perform effective and efficient extermination with little disturbance or inconvenience. We believe in preventive measures and always perform a rigorous pest control inspection for all our Scarborough clients and provide a detailed extermination report.

The Exterminators is a local pest control company that you can trust. We have decades of experience in pest control and pest extermination in Scrabrough.

We use only licenced pest control products and apply them according to provincial and federal laws and guidelines to guarantee safety for you, your family and your pets.

We provide a guarantee on all our pest control services. We take pride in our work and thrive to provide the best pest control solutions on the market. We will return at no additional cost if you still see pests within the warranty period.


We understand that each business has to maintain a positive image that is why we use unmarked vehicles and stay low-profile. We provide custom-designed pest control plans to fit your specific pest issues. We offer ongoing pest control prevention and maintenance to keep pests away in the future. Call our Pest Control Scarborough services now to book an inspection.

We understand hospitality, the urgency, customers and the desire to be the best in your craft. Rest assured we work smart in getting your pest problems solved. We will send them packing!

Pest eradication and maintenance. Customers and employees need a pest free environment. Let us make sure this is the case. We offer the most comprehensive programs in the business.

Pest problems are not only bothersome for restaurants and commercial kitchens, they can be a problem for any type of business setting, office spaces and office kitchens included.

With constant traffic going through, warehouses and factories are particularly sensitive to pest problems. Rodent problems in particular. They can enter through open doors and loading docs and grow in numbers over time.
The Exterminators offers expert pest control services in Scarborough. Effective, reliable pest control treatments by licensed exterminators. Every services is guaranteed and backed by warranty. If pests return within the 6 month period so will we at no additional cost.
Pests will not go away on their own. Over the counter products are not as effective as having a licensed pest control technician administer a professional treatment. We solve pest control problems effectively.
As licensed exterminators we have the training, know-how and the access to professional products and delivery systems to solve all and any pest control problems. Call us for pest control Scarborough solutions.
Mouse exterminator Scarborough. Our technicians are all licensed and insured and are experienced in dealing with all types of mouse control issues. If you have seen a mouse in your home then it is best to act as soon as possible. Mice multiply fast and you need to deal with the issue as soon as possible. After a thorough exterior and interior inspection, we pinpoint the areas of high activity and entry points. Then we conduct extermination using the commercial-grade rodenticide in tamper-resistant containers. Mice will feed and the problem will completely go away within a few weeks. Hardware store products contain a much less potent rat poison making them completely ineffective. Our services include mouse inspection, removal and mouse proofing of homes. We only do residential mouse control work and can fix the problem immediately.
We fully guarantee our services. Mice are predictable and will travel the same route over and over again as long as they are not alarmed, leaving their smudge mark along the walls, pipes and holes. The smudge mark is caused by a dirt and oil buildup in their fur. Mice are curious and will normally approach traps the first night. If you don’t catch a mouse in the first few nights, the trap is in the wrong location. Mice are, by nature, more timid than dogs and cats. They have only two speeds – on and off – and they do not live very long.
Cockroach control Scarborough. If you have seen a roach in your home you need to act immediately. Cockroaches are treated using professional pest control products and equipment. Forget about cockroach gel and dust. Such treatments do not work. To solve a cockroach infestation first we would ask customers to empty out the contents from the high activity areas. Typically near water and heat sources such as bathrooms and kitchens. While we will treat the entire dwelling, most effort is focused on the kitchen and bathroom. That is where we use a combination of insecticides and delivery methods to flush the insects out and kill them.
Our pest control technicians are completely equipped for cockroach control and can get rid of every single trace of these pests. Cockroaches are a hazardous species because of whom common man has to face many problems. They make our environment bad and unhealthy. Pest control methods for cockroaches vary according to the type of cockroach. For all types of cockroaches, the infection can be controlled by removing all sources of food and water. Get effective treatments for a fraction of the price. Same day service.
Rats, just like mice, find their way into structures by taking advantage of small entry points in and around the structure. Once inside rats will be destructive. We treat rats using a combination of mechanical and chemical means. In other words professional rat traps and very potent rat poison. Every rat extermination is guaranteed by our Pest Control Scarborough solutions.
Bed Bugs
While bed bugs are not harmful to one’s health, I think we call all agree they are a nuisance. That is why we use the most effective ways of getting rid of the problem. To get rid of a bed bug problem we administer pest control treatments that combine the power of steam and insecticides. Every treatment is guaranteed.
Bed bug exterminator Scarborough. Our technicians are licensed and insured bed bug exterminators. Our technique is effective and we can guarantee that once we deal with the issue, the bed bugs will be gone.
- Preparation
- Identification
- Elimination
Getting rid of bed bugs can be done safely by an experienced, trained and fully licensed professional. Contact us for any bed bug extermination need. We are trained professionals and know exactly what to do to deal with the issue once and for all. All our work is guaranteed.
Bed bugs are hitchhikers, so they can be transferred from infested areas to non-infested areas rather easily. So even if you don’t have an infestation now, acquiring bed bugs is not unlikely. Bed bugs are occasionally introduced into an apartment via luggage that has become infested from a hotel or hostel. It is more common to introduce bed bugs from one infested apartment to another during moving, or through picking up used or recycled furniture or mattresses. Bed bugs are very adaptable. They move much quicker, and can pass through much smaller openings or cracks than most people expect.
Bed bugs are hard to find because they hide in, under, and around beds. They also hide inside, under and behind furniture, and in small cracks or corners in furniture, floors or walls or in carpeting close to where they feed at night. Bed bugs are wingless insects, roughly oval in shape, 4-5mm long when fully grown, and are fast runners. They are rust-brown in colour and change to a deeper red brown following a blood meal. Bed bugs are invading everywhere people live and gather from homes to laundry facilities according to the survey.
Whether it is carpenter ants, pavement ants or pharaoh ants we kill them all. Most ants are a nuisance, some like carpenter ants can be destructive over time. We have the tools, products and experience to deal with even the most challenging ant problems.
Wasps and Flying Insects
Wasp removal and flying insect pest control solutions. Effective treatments for wasp nest problems. Whether the nest is in a soffit, in an attic, in the brick in the wall we have the products, delivery systems and knowhow to kill the nest but also make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Wildlife Removal
We deal with every problem from beginning to end and make sure the wild animals are entirely gone. Our services are guaranteed. As far as wildlife control, our technicians are experienced in dealing with raccoon, squirrel and skunk removal. Our technicians are trained in Humane Wildlife Removal and perform extensive animal proofing to guarantee that no animals will enter your space.
Wildlife control is a complex and specialized field requiring a lot of work and dedication. Even if the county animal services were willing to help with wildlife issues, they wouldn’t do close to a complete job. Wildlife Control is not responsible for any damage which may be incurred to the buildings, belongings or yard areas while working to secure or remove wildlife. Wildlife control is a complex and specialized field requiring a lot of work and dedication. Even if the county animal services were willing to help with wildlife issues, they wouldn’t do close to a complete job.
Raccoon Removal
Our technicians can deal with every raccoon removal situation. We service raccoon removal and control calls in Scarborough and the surrounding area. Our system is simple and effective.
- Inspection
- Animal Removal
- Sealing Entry Points
We follow through until every job is done and make sure you won’t have a raccoon entering your home again. We are effective, competitively priced and humane to animals. Call us today and let us help you with your raccoon removal.
A raccoon removal professional seals off the entry area by heavy gauge steel screening. This method prevents re-entry and continuance of their regular damaging activities. Raccoon removal is typically completed in attics, on roofs, in close by trees, in swimming pools, and through neighbourhoods. Raccoon trapping is a careful process that will ideally keep the ring-tailed interlopers from diving into your trash or working their way into your home.
Squirrel Removal
Squirrel removal, trapping and exclusion are challenging and hazardous. They’re definitely not do-it-yourself jobs, nor are most wildlife control technicians. equipped to perform squirrel control properly. Squirrel removal from an attic is probably something that the average homeowner is not capable of doing.
It requires getting into your attic and potentially climbing a ladder up to the roofline to inspect access points. Squirrel removal typically involves setting up traps at strategic areas and capturing the rodent efficiently with minimal hindrance to day-to-day life. Live traps find widespread usage since they are safer for home use, and baits help entice the squirrel toward the snares.












Buying store-bought products is actually throwing money in a bottomless pit. This is what most people are  doing when dealing with pests every time they set foot in a store. Using not only inefficient products but also wasting money at the same time all while the pests are multiplying every single day by the dozens. Dealing with pests yourself is frankly a lost battle. Store-bought products are just not potent enough to treat pests, and even if they were, it still would not be enough for the thousands of creeping and crawling bugs that invaded your home. A professional licensed pest control technician has a true potent arsenal at his or her disposal that is approved by the provincial government whereas consumer-grade store-bought brands do not enjoy the same privileges. The expertise and training paired with effective environmental-friendly formulations is a guarantee that your home can be declared pest-free in no time. Hiring a reputable pest control Scarborough service like The Exterminators.Inc is truly an investment that will allow you to be free from the living nightmare.
Anything that intrudes your home from the outdoors can never be good to your personal health. Pests like to spend most of their time in the most unsanitary places imaginable bringing with them harmful bacteria which can easily cause you to fall ill when you come in indirect or close contact with them. For example, rats and mice can carry up to thirty-five diseases through viruses such as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and Leptospirosis. They were also responsible for the Plague as well.Â
In nature, looking “cute” might be deception. These seemingly cute creatures can have a grave impact on your health as well as others around you. Cockroaches carry a exhaustive list of harmful viruses as their diet consists of a range of unappetizing things such as dead animals, human excrement, and filth. Seeing live roaches immediately calls for action as their presence is even known to cause allergic reactions. That is why pest control service The Exterminators.Inc is always the right call to have your home declared pest-free!
Being native to the Greater Toronto Area and a familiar face all across the region, pest control service The Exterminators.Inc is always the first choice when it comes to pest control. Our technicians know very well that pest control is a very delicate subject. That is why we chose to deploy our technicians in an unmarked vehicle so that you can rest assured that your issue is being dealt with in the most discreet way possible. In all of our treatments, we take utmost care in identifying the source of the issue by conducting a full exterior inspection. By treating the issue by means of deploying our best tools and safest formulations. To ultimately preventing the issue from reoccurring by sealing up entry points such as holes, crevices, foundational gaps, or vents. We service all of the Greater Toronto Area, so you can rest assured that your issue will be dealt with as soon as possible. Call now so we can be on our way soon to make pests a thing of the past!
Why us?
If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers pest free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure pests are gone and our customers are happy. Call Pest Control Scarborough.


Speak directly to a professional Pest Control Scarborough specialist and schedule an inspection or treatment.