Carpenter Bee Facts & Control

Carpenter Bee Facts & Control

Carpenter bees are normally known as solitary bees. Solitary species differ from social species. Solitary bees tend to be sociable and fond of company and often have several nests of solitary bees that are near each other. In solitary nesting, the founding bee forages, builds cells, lays the eggs, and guards. Normally, only one generation of bees lives in the nest. There is one species of carpenter bees that have both a solitary and social nesting arrangement named Xylocopa pubescens

If you suspect a carpenter bee presence anywhere near or on your property, contact carpenter bee removal Toronto for quick and safe removal.

Carpenter bee on yellow flower

Carpenter bees make nests by tunneling into wood, bamboo, and similar hard plant material that are not covered in bark and are dead. They vibrate their bodies as they use their mandibles against the hardwood, each nest having a single entrance that may have many neighboring tunnels. They can adapt to a wide range of plants and wood whenever the need for building nests arises. When carpenter bees drill a hole inside the wood they do so in a perfectly round shape that has a circumference of about 16mm on the underside of a beam, bench, or tree log. It is interesting to note that parallels can be drawn between the carpenter ant and the carpenter bee. Both species are misunderstood as eating the wood. But in reality, they discard the bits of wood or reuse particles to build partitions between cells. The tunnel functions as a nursery for their young and storage for the pollen/nectar. 

Woodpeckers eat carpenter bees, as do various other species of birds, such as shrikes and bee-eaters as well as some mammals such as ratels. Other predators include large mantises and predatory flies, particularly large robber-flies. Woodpeckers in particular are fond of carpenter bees and are attracted to the bee by the buzzing sound it makes. 

Carpenter bees can drill in softwoods like cedars and one of the ways to find carpenter bees is finding ‘frass’. this can be found directly under direct entry-point carpenter bees are often mistaken for carpenter bees but carpenter bees have a shiny abdomen which the bumblebees do not have. Make sure to wear the right protective equipment. If you have found holes you can buy insecticides in foam form. You can seal all the holes with putty. 

If you have found a carpenter bee nest, it is best to contact a professional The Exterminators – Pest Control Toronto as licensed professionals have the know-how and years of experience dealing with different types of wasps to prevent injury.