
Can rats and mice cohabit peacefully?

Can rats and mice cohabit peacefully?

Even though these two species of rodents seem to have not much difference in between them, rats and mice cannot co-habitate peacefully. This is due to the fact of their two very different natures in which they tend to settle themselves in.  The reason for this being is that, when rats and mice are put together…

What are the causes of a rat infestation?

Are Rat Droppings Dangerous?

Its no secret that rats spread disease, they have been blamed for the plague after all. A rat infestation is a serious business and this is why. Rat poop is super dangerous and have you ever wondered what does rat poop look like? It’s easy to identify rat poop; they are skinny pellets that are…

Are rats more aggressive than mice?

Are Rats More Aggressive than Mice?

To answer the above question in short, yes, rats are indeed way more aggressive than mice. This is due to their territorial nature when faced with an enemy. This can be seen in their different behaviour when faced with a threat. When mice are faced with a threat, they are likely to scurry away, whereas…

Do Rat Droppings Cause Health Problems?

How to Identify Roof Rats

It’s difficult at times to identify wildlife correctly. Often times one rodent looks like another and so on. But not anymore. This is the definitive guide to Roof Rat Identification. Now just to start, roof rats are very dangerous and spread diseases like crazy. Not only that, rats can spread fleas too, especially when you…

Deer Mice Infestation Can Expose you to Hantavirus

Deer Mice Infestation Can Expose you to Hantavirus

Deer mice among other species of rodents are carriers of the Hantavirus, mere exposure to the feces, urine, or in rare instances can infect you with the virus, and when droppings are spotted or for that matter any live rodent, one should immediately call our reputable mice exterminator Toronto service who can be at your…

Norway Rats Can Transmit Influenza

Norway Rats Can Transmit Influenza

Influenza, or the flu for short, is perhaps the most common virus in the world. And while humans have been getting it for hundreds of years, where it comes from is still a question. That question may have been solved. The flu has been tracked in many, many different species of wildlife but base on…

rats in restaurant

The Danger of Hantavirus with Rat Infestation

Anyone who has been in contact or around mice and rats should always be careful as according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention informational brochure “…Only some kinds of mice and rats can give people hantaviruses that can cause HPS. In North America, they are the deer mouse, the white-footed mouse, the rice…

Rat Droppings Covid-19

Rat Droppings: A Potential Risk During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, also commonly called Hantavirus or HPS for short, is a rare disease carried by rodents. Not all rodents carry HPS, but because there is no way of knowing which ones do and which ones do not, it is best to avoid handling rats, their nests that can be located underground and called…

How to control a rodent infestation?

What Attracts Rats to Your Home?

As hard as you have tried to stop them you can’t seem to understand how a rat gets in the house. That’s because there are several factors encouraging the continued invasion of your home by rats. And possibly are yet to deal with some other factors attracting rate to your residence or office. Rats are…

How to Prevent Rats in Your House - 3 Strategies

How to Prevent Rats in Your House: 3 Strategies

Rats are not your friend hence you need to know how to prevent rat nestings in your house before calling a rat exterminator in Toronto. They might have some economic value to the environment but not to your home. Unfortunately, over the years the activities of rats like Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) and roof rats…