
the importance of checking tree around your home during a carpenter ant infestation

Can Rats Attack Your Pets?

Rats tend to be even-tempered, neither aggressive nor docile. Rats can, however, become very aggressive if cornered, injured, or protecting a litter. Run-ins between rodents and pets are inevitable especially considering that dogs and cats have it in them to chase down, kill, and even consume small wildlife. This shouldn’t be much of a problem…

I caught a rat now what?

I Caught a Rat Now What?

You noticed some rat activity and got a rat trap. A few days later your trap has yielded a reward; you have caught the rat that has been destroying your kitchen and causing a lot of sleepless nights because of its endless gnawing and scratching at night. Now what? If you have managed to trap…

How to know if you have rats or mice

How to Know if You Have Rats or Mice

Rats and mice look different in size, shape, and even character, there’s also a few other differences between them. Knowing these differences could go a long way in helping you through your rat control efforts. Getting to know their behaviours, preference in food, and where they love to nest will help make your control efforts…

I caught a rat now what?

How to Rat-Proof Your House

No matter how tiny they may seem, when rats get into your house to make nests, they have the capability of wreaking havoc. They are irritating and can cause a lot of physical damage to your house as well as pose health issues.  Rats chew up furniture, cables, spoil stored food and spread contagious diseases.…

rat removal toronto

Why You Shouldn’t Kill or Poison Rats by Yourself

Rats in walls, attic or basement in Toronto are a nuisance and have a great potential for spreading diseases. On top of this, they chew on electrical wires which a fire hazard is waiting to happen. It is tempting to take on rat control on your own whether it is for budgetary reasons or you…

How Does a Rat Get in the House?

How Does a Rat Get in the House?

It’s pretty hard to describe how shocked people get when they see a rat in their house. It’s worse, and even embarrassing if a visitor informs you that you might have a rat problem. The idea of Ratatouille running around in your kitchen spicing up your favourite exotic French dishes might be cute, but in…

How to Get Rid of Rats in the Basement

How to Get Rid of Rats in the Basement

Rats are small warm-blooded animals that are found all over the world. They have a unique front set of teeth that they use for gnawing through anything. Rats set up nests in homes which can be dangerous to humans since they often carry diseases and parasites. They also to set up their nests in attics,…

Do Rats Nest Inside Homes?

Seeing Rats Inside – Can They Nest Inside Your Home?

As winter approaches, rats can be seen more often running around in the gardens. This needs to be a warning sign, but there is always a way of coping with them. Rats typically nest in urban areas in search of food, water, and shelter. Common species such as the roof rat and the Norway rat…

Rat Poop

Rat Feces – Health Concerns, Danger and Diseases Associated with Them

Its easy to identify rat poop; they are skinny pellets that are about 3/8-inch-long and about 1/8 inch in diameter, rounded tips with a slight bulge in the center but not always. Fresh rat poop is dark brown in colour, and when they start ageing, they tend to get lighter. Rat poop resembles squirrel poop…

Can You Get Fleas From Pests - Rats and Mice

Rats in Toronto: How Big is the Problem?

Scurrying down sidewalks and invading homes, rats have quickly become a problem throughout all of Toronto. In fact, of the top five Canadian cities with a rat problem, Toronto ranks number one. Many residents and business owners have struggled with rat invasions, proving just how significant the problem is for the city. Understanding the depth…