
How to remove a wasp nest from your attic

How to remove a wasp nest from your attic

When you are removing a wasp nest near your house you want to make sure that you are aware of the fact that the queen is key and that you are sure in knowing that every slight agitation can lead to wasps attacking you. It is important to know that there is a possibility of…

How to remove a wasp nest abound a window frame

How to remove a wasp nest abound a window frame?

Wasps are usually active in the warmer months of the year. You might not see a wasp presence until they completely have invaded an area. Wasps are extremely territorial and, because of this, might sting whoever comes close to the nest, if it sees the person or animal as a threat. Children, especially, should be…

How to Prevent Carpenter Bee Damage

How to Prevent Carpenter Bee Damage

Carpenter bees are known to cause damage to wooden structures in and around the property. These bees are often confused with bumblebees in the way they look. In reality, these bees have very different breeding and nesting habits. Carpenter bees prefer to create nests into untreated softwood, which is not covered in bark. They create…

How to kill paper wasps in your home

How to kill paper wasps in your home?

Paper wasps are a common problem for property owners in Canada because they have the tendency to build nests in or around the home. They actually offer a really good advantage because of their diet that consists of insects which may intrude your yard and start eating your crops. Their primary food source is actually…

How to Inspect Property for Carpenter Bee Infestation

How to Inspect Property for Carpenter Bee Infestation

Before you meticulously begin inspecting your property for possible carpenter bee presence, you must be first equipped with the knowledge to actually know what you are looking for. Carpenter bees are often mistaken for bumblebees because of their strikingly similar appearance. The main distinguishing point to look out for is the abdomen. Carpenter bees are…

How to get rid of Mud dauber wasp nests_

How to get rid of Mud dauber wasp nests?

Before getting to the bottom of the problem. Recognizing the pest must be the very first thing before you try to remove the nest by yourself. After all, every wasp species has different rabbits, nest, types, and physical traits that distinguish one species from the other. Most Mud daubers are  12-25 mm long and have…

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are some problematic pests that really can damage the integrity of your wooden structure once they find some suitable wood to tunnel their way in. Different from another wasp that you are used to seeing, carpenter ants do not construct a nest from scratch. Instead they see out uncovered pieces of wood, usually…

Common Wasp Types in Toronto

Common Wasp Types in Toronto

There are many wasps that wasp control experts come across very often. As the summer months are coming near and the weather seems to be warming up day by day. Residents can expect more wasps on their property since it is generally the time when wasps come out of their pupae and start to seek…

Are yellow jackets and hornets the same thing_

Are yellow jackets and hornets the same thing?

There seems to be a confusion between what a hornet is and what a yellow jacket is. People certainly have a hard time telling the two apart. There are, although,  several ways to differentiate between them. This will help you identify between the two if you get stung or want to seem interesting at a…

How to differentiate between bee and wasp nest_

How to differentiate between bee and wasp nest?

To the untrained eye, the wasp nest and the bee nest might look similar if you are not paying attention. Bees and wasps are closely related species and diverged from wasps about 120 million years ago. Wasps are known as pollen gatherers. Hornets and yellow jackets are known to be social wasps because they live…