
How to deter wasps 

How to deter wasps 

As the weather in the GTA seems to rise to a pleasant temperature so is the rise is wasp presence around the region as well. Most wasp species become active during the warmer spring and summer months after having overwintered in the colder months. Depending on the wasp species you are dealing with, wasps may…

Do fake wasp nests fool wasps_

Do fake wasp nests fool wasps?

While still commonly unknown to many, fake wasp nests really do exist with many people reporting to have positive results from it. To understand the success behind these fake wasp nests, one must first understand the nature of wasps and their tendency to make nests in and around homes. Paper nest wasps are highly territorial…

Differences Between Wasp and Hornet Nest

Differences Between Wasp and Hornet Nest

The social wasp makes its nest from many different kinds of material such as with mud, plants, and inside wood made from their secretion. Many materials are collected and built in a honeycomb pattern and are often enforced by an extra protective layer. The locations differ based on what kind of wasp species you are…

Differences Between Carpenter Bees and Bumblebees

Differences Between Carpenter Bees and Bumblebees

Carpenter bees get their name from the fact that they prefer to bore holes inside wood to make galleries to rear their young in. They are spread worldwide with seven species counting in the United States. Since they do not have a traditional hive, they are known as solitary bees. The female carpenter bee is…

What is the difference between a hornet and a wasp.

What is the difference between a hornet and a wasp?

The hornet is a hunter, they are aggressive and dangerous. Wasps are also hunters and are also aggressive and dangerous. Their difference is mostly aesthetic but there are some behavioral differences that can be noticed. Both wasps and hornets build nests in the ground and in large numbers, while wasp nests tend to be very…

Invasive Murder hornets what you need to know

Invasive Murder hornets – what you need to know

They are enormous, they are deadly they are capable of destroying an entire beehive in minutes. They can sting you twice and you will die. Their size is unseen and they are harming our ecosystem. These hornets are nothing like what we’ve seen before. They are two inches long, black with yellow and orange bands…

How to eradicate giant hornets nest

How to eradicate giant hornets nest

The new infestation striking the nation, the bug of bugs, the hornet of the age, I present to you the giant Japanese hornet. Brought here on cargo ships carrying fruit and infested with these black-bodied, orange, and yellow striped menaces. They seem to defy nature in their size and their venom is deadly enough that…

How to detect the deadly Asian hornet

How to detect the deadly Asian hornet

Detecting them is not very hard. The Japanese Giant Hornet is the most deadly flying insect, perhaps in the world. They can sting like any hornet, repeatedly and with intense aggression. They are so deadly that one sting can actually be fatal to a human, just one sting. The Asian or Japanese Giant Hornets have…

How to detect deadly Asian hornets

How to detect deadly Asian hornets

Japanese Giant Hornets are very aggressive and very territorial. They also travel very far in search of food, much farther than normal wasps and hornets. They are also much bigger, growing as large as a couple of inches and one sting can be fatal to animals and even humans. The Asian or Japanese Giant Hornets…

Can Asian hornets kill you

Can Asian hornets kill you?

Asian or Japanese hornets are the largest and most dangerous and deadly hornets in the world. One sting from this hornet can indeed kill you and they fly very far from their nest to hunt so there is no way to guarantee you will not run into one. They came here through fruit delivered from…