
Can Asian hornets kill bees?

Can Asian hornets kill bees?

Asian, or Japanese Giant Hornets are a dying breed that can kill a human with as little as one sting. They tend to make their nests in the ground like other hornets or in large nests of thousands like wasps. They are aggressive and territorial and will travel far to get their food.  The Asian…


Which Wasps Are Most Aggressive?

There are over 30,000 species of wasps. These stinging insects, like bees, belong to the Hymenoptera family. You’re likely to come across them during daylight hours in the summer and early fall months.   What makes wasps particularly dangerous is that unlike a bee, which can only sting you once, a female wasp has the ability to…

Which is More Aggressive – Bees or Wasps?

Many people fear bees and wasps. The mere sight of them often causes individuals to flee. This fear is well-founded. Although bees and wasps play an important part in our ecosystem, they are also responsible for those dreaded stings that send many people to the emergency room every year. But these stings are often caused…

What is the Difference Between a Wasp and a Hornet?

People usually find it difficult to differentiate between wasps and hornets. They’re both flying insects and they both can deliver very painful stings when aggravated or feel threatened. However similar they may be, there is a considerable amount of differences between these insects. Call us if you need a wasp removal Trotono service. Wasps belong to…

Home Remedies for Wasp Stings

Wasps are the most common stinging menace in many Canadian cities. Although their stings are painful and uncomfortable, most who get stung by these pests recuperate quickly and without complications.  A wasp stings in self-defence. Its stinger contains venom, which is transmitted when attacking. Even without being stung, the venom alone can cause you excruciating pain…

How Do You Get Rid of Hornets Naturally?

Hornets are often mistaken for yellow jacket wasps, however, they’re considerably different in size to wasps and bees. The black and white bald-faced hornet is common across all of Canada, while the European hornet, large yellow and black hornets, is found in southern Ontario. Hornet diets consist of nectar and sugar-rich plants, and other wasps, locusts,…

What Can I Spray to Keep Wasps Away?

What Can I Spray to Keep Wasps Away?

Being outside with your family and friends on a hot day is what many people enjoy, however, this enjoyment can be cut short when you realize that you’re also sharing this space with different bugs, which can sting, disturb, or bother you. A standout amongst the most widely recognized and most despised is the wasp.…

Prevent Wasps from Entering House

Prevent Wasps from Entering House

Apart from their nesting preferences, what differentiates wasps from bees is that bees will feed their larvae on pollen while wasps feed their larvae on insects. When you think about this fact, wasps are actually great to have in your garden since they will help control insects that feed on your plants. Despite all the…

Get Rid of a Wasp Nest in Shed

Get Rid of a Wasp Nest in Shed

Wasps are common visitors in sheds in Toronto, especially during the late part of the year when the queen is getting ready to hibernate. During winter, queens find sheds to be irresistible for hibernation, making them the perfect spot for a nest in spring. The most common type of wasps that build their nests in…

Wasp Nest on Tree

Wasp Nest on Tree

Having a wasp nest on a tree in your property is an unpleasant situation, more so, when you have young children or someone allergic to wasp stings around. A wasp nest in a tree is a naturally occurring phenomenon; however, when a wasp builds its nest in a tree in your garden, it can be…