Cockroaches have existed for millions of years, to the point that we do not really know how old they actually are. They are very different from other insects, specifically having thicker harder carapaces and actual organs instead of free-floating organelles. They are much closer to animals than insects, similar to how fungi have animal cells, not plant cells. The difference being animal cells are soft and circular while plant cells are rigid and square. The cockroach also does not birth just eggs like almost every insect that exists, it births, through the same hole it defecates from a birthing sack called an ootheca. This sac is nye invulnerable and is the reason cockroaches are so hard to kill. They have a rigid hard exoskeleton that is made with plates instead of a full rigid covering. That means they can adjust their body to fit into smaller holes and can actually flatten themselves out under a mat or even under your foot as you try to step on them. They are survivalists and they can eat and drink almost anything. From dirty toilet water to the glue on cardboard boxes. They are also highly adaptable. This, of course, is how they survived the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event which is believed to be a large asteroid that struck the moon causing a piece to hit the earth. This even killed all large dinosaurs but winged dinosaurs managed to survive by growing smaller. It is a known fact now that birds and dinosaurs are related and that dinosaurs in many cases had feathers. These were not the only life on the planet. There were millions of insect species, many of which survived the extinction event only to become smaller from the lack of oxygen. All of these species like the centipede have survived every extinction event since along with us. Mammals survived the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event along with cockroaches. We were rodents at the time, small enough to follow the cockroaches into the caves, unlike cockroaches we have our own source of body heat so we survived and even thrived in the new colder world. The cockroaches survived simply because they likely cannot be killed. Even pesticides become useless. They have such advanced genetic material they can adapt to anything.

While it’s unlikely that twinkies will survive another apocalypse it is true that if global warming kills humanity, the cockroach will continue to live on and will adapt to less oxygen and stronger heat. The earth will heal and the cockroach will continue to survive. We, on the other hand, should be worried. Do not try to kill off an infestation yourself, call a professional and get the work done fast and efficiently with commercial-grade pesticides and industrial-grade technology.