It’s pretty hard to describe how shocked people get when they see a rat in their house. It’s worse, and even embarrassing if a visitor informs you that you might have a rat problem. The idea of Ratatouille running around in your kitchen spicing up your favourite exotic French dishes might be cute, but in reality, rats are filthy and destructive, and worse of all, they can carry diseases. About fifty thousand people every year are bitten by rats. Their destruction doesn’t end in the kitchen; they destroy property and crops. That is why it is hard to stay calm when a rat swishes fast between your legs, call a professional rat exterminator Toronto immediately.
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Why do you get rats in your house?
In case you own a house, there’s always a chance that it may be at risk of getting a rat infestation. Any type of rodent infestation is bound to turn into an expensive ordeal if not properly taken care of or discovered in good time. Worse of all, rats in your house put both you and your family at great risk of contracting contagious diseases and parasites. In reality, everyone is at risk of getting rats in their house, no matter how new your house might be. In case you have noticed some rat activity in your house, here are a few reasons why:
- You have a sanitation problem. One of the reasons rats get in your house is as a result of poor sanitation. This along with health concerns and other problems. Rats thrive in this kind of condition where they have easy access to water sources and food, encouraging them to move into your house and start building nests.
- They are looking for shelter. Rats are always looking for a place that can be a potential shelter for their young ones. Small gaps in your house, on your ceiling, plumbing, gas pipes offer excellent spaces where rats can easily squeeze in and get access to your house.
- Variable factors. Rats could also get into your house through factors that cannot be controlled but can be addressed. Any form of human intervention in the ecosystem like noise from construction could send these destructive rodents seeking a better place to call home. The scarcity of food or an increase in predators could also send them racing into your home. While these factors are uncontrollable, they can be prevented.
How does a rat nest look like?

Typically it all depends on the rat species you are dealing with. Norway Rats are well known for their burrows that they dig out in yards. These tunnel-like structures are made up of several chambers and can house several rat families. They are usually found under porches, decks, and tucked away in a corner where there is lots of vegetation. These burrows are usually constructed near a food sources where rats can quickly scurry away to their burrow in case of danger. It is why burrows usually have two entry-points which function as exits as well. When rats get inside homes they usually either exploit existing structural gaps or chew their way in when possible. It is also very often that rats simply enter a left-open garage door and sneak its way in. When rats infiltrate homes they usually gather material around them to construct a nest. These materials can be everything from twigs, leaves, and can house themselves under various items and furniture. This is why rats prefer cluttered places so they can hide and stay under the radar.
Damage rats can cause

Rats can cause incredible damage when they find themselves on properties. Outside they can do extensive damage to yards and greenery. Rats always make and dig burrows close to a food source. They consider anything edible and non-edible for humans to be food. Crops are the most at risk because rats can easily eat from it and can go back whenever they please, pet food, garbage, and as earlier mentioned, crops. Inside they are known to be destructive and aggressive and will attack when they feel cornered. When rats find materials to chew on, they will strike and this is to keep their teeth in check. Rodents, in general, will find anything that can grind their teeth down and this includes exposed copper wiring. They can completely ruin your garden by making rat holes and creating burrows. This can have disastrous consequences which can lead to a short circuit and may well develop into a house fire.
Dangers that are often ignored
Rats are dangerous rodents. While it has well known that rats can be a bit scary-looking, not much is known about what they are really capable of. Rats are extremely territorial compared to the somewhat innocent and curious mouse. If they were put in the same room, the tiny mouse would be quickly overshadowed by its much bigger and aggressive counter-part. Rats can do a lot of damage in a short span of time. Pets are at risk if they are curious. Generally, they will scurry away from someone different above their-weight class but are not shy from a little scuffle if things are looking a bit sticky. They do this by biting and scratching the opponent. Rodents that include mice and rats are known as vector-species of disease which means that they can carry as much as thirty-five diseases it can transfer over to humans through direct and indirect exposure. Hantavirus causes Hantavirus Respiratory Syndrome. It is a very severe condition that affects the respiratory system and can have fatal consequences. The symptoms can show up in general in a few days. The following symptoms are displayed and are not limited to:
- fatigue
- fever
- muscle aches in the large muscle groups such as thighs, hips, back, and sometimes shoulders
- headaches
- dizziness
- chills
- abdominal problems
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- abdominal pain
Psychological problems
Having rats present for an extended period of time can negatively affect psychological health. People have often experienced depression, anger, anxiety, and helplessness. People also have reported sleeping less because they can hear actively chew and gnaw throughout the house. The sense of security in their own home really takes a hit because people never know when they would see a rat. Having rats in a residence can significantly affect personal and private life especially of those who come from lower-income neighborhoods where rat presence is more prevalent. Professional pest control services may seem out of reach because of preconceived notions or unawareness that pest control services are expensive. Recently the Region of Peel has launched a subsidy program to assist residents with the costs associated with pest control. This can greatly alleviate stress for residents in need. Apart from that, it really helps to talk to the company itself, most of the time, companies will bring the price down to accommodate certain situations.
Big Rat in the house
In case you have noticed a big rat in your house with a thick body and fur, short ears, blunt snout with dark hair, it probably a Norway rat. Adults could weigh up to 11 ounces, and they are probably some of the most destructive rodents that could get into your house. Rats have been a problem throughout history; there are ancient stories of rats sinking wooden ships by chewing through them. While it might seem farfetched, this kind of destruction could happen in your home if you don’t take extreme precaution after noticing the signs.
While getting rid of rats could be as easy as going to your nearest convenience store and buying rat poison. It’s better to have them exterminated by a professional. Rats could pose serious health concerns, they often carry diseases and can bite. If you have young children around your house, setting rat traps and poison baits could be dangerous and traumatic at the same time.
Call Pest Control Toronto – The Exterminators Inc. to perform the extermination and subsequent cleanup. The expert will also identify all potential entry points and seal them accordingly to avoid a future rat problem. Call the Exterminators at 647-496-2211 or check our online shop for some rat control products.
Article Updated: October 29, 2020