How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Box Spring

Bed bugs commonly take up residence in your bed, hence their name. By residing in your bed, it puts them close to their source of food…which is you! These little bloodsuckers prefer to stay as close to a warm human body as possible so they do not have to travel far for food. That does…

how to deal with carpenter ant in your walls

Best Ways to Control Ants Outside

Ants are common household invaders, but they do not start out indoors. In fact, some species of ants do not even build their nests indoors. Instead, they have nests outdoors and can travel back and forth between their nest and your home. If you have an ant issue outside your home or mulch infested with…

Can Sugar Ants Damage Your House

How to Stop Ants from Entering My Home

If ants have invaded your home, you are not alone. Ants are a common home invader that often proves more of a hassle than you may realize. They will take advantage of it when it is damp. Pre-existing ants might advance in the home. Perhaps that is because ants seem near impossible to evict from…


American Cockroach Identification – How to Deal with It

The American cockroach is a common pest. Despite its name, it is not specific to American. In fact, you can find American cockroach throughout the world. For instance, Canada is no stranger to the American cockroach. You must know how to identify this species of roach to know if it is what invades your home.…

Can Regular Bug Spray Kill Bed Bugs-No

Exterminating Bed Bugs – Advice and Prevention Tips

Although bed bugs do not typically transmit diseases to humans like most house-hold pests do, they are still a nuisance. These bugs in your bed often result in sleepless nights and insistent itching and scratching. Bed bugs in wood furniture is also a common sing of sever infestation. How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs…

How Hard Is It to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Common Bugs that Look Like Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have grown increasingly problematic over the years. Experts claim that they are developing immunities to common pesticides and household bug sprays. As such, you find more and more bed bugs invading homes and businesses, especially throughout populated areas in Canada, such as Toronto. Common bed bug signs are specific smell, bed bug casings…


Lime Powder and Rats Control – Does It Work?

Lime powder, whether in calcium hydroxide (Lime-sulfur) form or calcium carbonate (garden lime) is a very useful gardening product for killing small insects, fungi and pest plants. There is however no evidence to suggest that lime powder actually works for exterminating rats. In fact, no serious rat exterminator Toronto experts would claim to use or…

Killing Rats Outdoors – What is Legal in Ontario

Do Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents Actually Work?

There are mixed opinions on whether ultrasonic rodent repellents actually work but if you are looking for an expert opinion; no serious licensed exterminator would use, let alone recommend these gadgets. Ultrasonic rodent repellents are plugged into electric outlets near areas with high rodent activity. The device emits ultrasound (exceeding 20,000 Hz) which is virtually…

Bed bug proof mattress

Can Bed Bugs Survive Outside?

Bed bugs, despite what the name may imply, hide in many places besides beds. You can find them in clothing, inside books, in cracks in the walls and ceilings, inside dressers and night stands and many other locations. Bed bugs prefer to live with humans inside houses in Canada if they can find their way in.…

Rat Holes in the Ground

Why Rats Are Attracted to Your Home

It may seem that yours is the only home in Ontario that rats prefer and this is partially true. Rats are primarily attracted to three things; steady supply of food, safe hiding spots and good living environment namely the presence of humidity, warmth and moisture. Knowing how rats get in the house is important to…