When do wasps stop building nests?

When do wasps stop building nests?

Wasp season starts around April and to the warmer months in the summer. It is then when wasps will fully invade an area. The size of the wasp nest starts the size of a tennis ball. During hibernation, the queen will survive while other worker wasps will die off. After the remaining colony stands or whatever is left of it, the colony starts to scout for locations. These locations are critical as it determines the survival of the colony as a whole and access to food. Usually, nests are built in shaded areas under overhangs, sheds, and other spaces that are not much frequented by humans. For the nest, inaccessibility is one of the most important factors. It is because of this that many wasps are not discovered until much later when they balloon to the size of a full-fledged colony which can house up to 1000 to 10,000 wasps at full capacity. 

If you are having wasp issues, look no further than The Exterminators Inc. We can remove a wasp nest quickly at an affordable price with our wasp removal services!

The wasp nest is in continuous motion and is solely occupied with several tasks to grow the colony. The main focus of the entire colony is to produce larvae and to bring back food. When there is an increase in activity on the property, it is because of that. Wasps will fly in and out to bring food to the larvae. Carefully observing the ‘flight path’ will indicate where the wasp colony is located. The colony will reach its peak during the warmer months of the summer. Towards the end of the summer months around September, the queen will leave the colony with some of her male worker wasps or drones as they are formally called. After leaving the wasp nest, the nest turns into a frenzy. Wasps will no longer have a central task to feed the larvae and will become more erratic and aggressive. Pets and children are the most in danger. Wasps have the habit to sting and attack in groups. 

Normally the effects of a wasp sting will go away in 24 hours. But in rare cases, it can lead to hospitalization and even death due to ‘anaphylaxis’. The most common symptoms are redness, swelling, and pain. It is recommended that you tackle these symptoms with running cool water, a cold compress, wash the area with water and soap, take an antihistamine, or apply calamine lotion to relieve the itching. 

As the colder months arrive, wasp activity will heavily decrease. The main task for the colony is to make sure the queen survives the winter to build a new hive. Energy is now focused on finding food for the queen to be able to build a new colony in the summer. An interesting tidbit is that wasps never build nests in the same place. What is also interesting is that wasps will make sure that no other wasp nest is built nearby. To take advantage of this trait, the market has developed fake wasp hives to mimic occupancy so that wasps stay far away from a property. These are usually hung beneath the eaves of the house. 

This is the continuous cycle of a wasp nest. wasps stop building nests in the colder winter months and start up in the spring and reach their peak in the summer. 

When there is an increased wasp activity on the property, it is recommended that you call a professional wasp removal service. Professionals will come by and remove the wasp nest safely and ethically. Fighting wasps on your own can be reckless and can lead to physical injury. Most over-the-counter products are not potent enough to handle so many wasps at one time. To add to it, they will require at least 20 feet of distance which means that most people need to get up a ladder and work at heights. 

Do not risk your safety and call Wasp Removal Toronto at 647-496-2211